Icelandic Cuisine in “New Iceland” Canada

Austfjord slices rúllupylsa.
Austfjord slices rúllupylsa. MICAH GRUBERT VAN IDERSTINE

““There’s a definite link between us,” the Icelandic president, Guðni Jóhannesson, said on a recent visit to Gimli. It’s a love affair that Donna Austfjord and others around Gimli will keep feeding.”

Read the full Atlas Obscura article here

Grábrók Volcanic Crater


Grábrók is a volcanic crater in the fjord of Borgarfjörður in West Iceland, formed approximately 3,400 years ago. It’s an easy little climb you can do in a small time-frame, and gives a pretty amazing view.

University of Reykjavík


Enjoying a latte during my last few hours in Reykjavík before flying into Toronto to return home and start to plan which programs I’ll be applying to at the University of Reykjavík. I know I want to obtain my Masters degree but I have awhile before I will be ready for that, so I am thinking of studying Icelandic in the meantime. The program doesn’t begin until the fall and I would like to be there sooner but we will see where more research leads me!

Tamron SP 150-600mm lens for Iceland

I just rented the Tamron SP 150-600mm lens to bring along on our vacation, and for the purpose of working on my project of bird photography in Iceland and Norway. We are staying in Vestmannaeyjabær for a couple of days and I am hoping there will still be some adult puffins left but either way I will be looking for pufflings! I cannot wait to see the many birds around both countries, and can’t wait to be able to shoot 600mm.


Day Trip to Ithaca: Visiting the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Since I became interested in studying ornithology, Cornell Lab of Ornithology has been on my list of places to visit. I finally took a quick trip to Ithaca where I was able to spend the night in a cute Airbnb studying my bird biology course and snacking, rest up, and then spend a few hours at lab the following day before heading back home.

IMG_20180319_174641_870View of the pond at Cornell Lab of Ornithology.


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This was my cozy place in Ithaca. Sign up here to get $40 off your first Airbnb trip anywhere!